2 Topical Chatbots Built on Chatamo (GDPR and Brexit)

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Ged Richardson
brexit gdpr

A common myth is that chatbots take a long time to build and deploy. At Chatamo, we like to challenge the status quo. With Chatamo it takes you a few minutes to build and deploy a chatbot to the world. Pricey developer fees. Gone. Hours and hours of time programming. Gone. Hello no hassle easy chatbot building 🙂

As it’s so quick and painless to make a chatbot with Chatamo, that also means you can be reactive…’topical’ even.

To make the point, we built two very topical chatbots...a GDPR bot and a Brexit Bot.


Brexit Bot

Regardless of whether you're in favour of leave or remain, Brexit has captured the interest of the UK nation like nothing in recent times. We spun up this Brexit bot in break neck speed, with questions and answers all about Brexit. With a simple voice command, you can ask Alexa anything you like about the coming split. 



If you work in marketing and have anything to do with customer data you'll know all about GDPR. The EU data protection law came into effect this May (2018) and with it lots and lots of questions about whether so and so practice is 'inside' or 'outside' of GDPR. A perfect use case for a chatbot!

What chatbot will you build?

Now it's over to you. What topical thing could you build a chatbot about? Or maybe you have a hobby you could build a chatbot about. Sign up here and build it on Chatamo. When you've created it, share it below, and remember, enjoy the ride!

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Published byGed Richardson

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